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What Size Ice Maker is Right For My Business?

What Size Ice Maker is Right For My Business?

If you run a business that requires ice for your customers or employees, such as a restaurant, hotel, or office, you need to choose the right ice maker for your needs.

One of the most important factors to consider is the size of the ice maker, which determines how much ice it can produce and store.

In this blog post, we will explain how to size an ice maker for your business in pounds and also the importance of a water filter.

Production vs. Storage Capacity

The size of an ice maker is usually measured by two numbers: the production capacity and the storage capacity.

The production capacity is how much ice the machine can make in 24 hours, and the storage capacity is how much ice the machine can hold at a time.

Both numbers are expressed in pounds (lbs).

How to Size an Ice Maker Correctly

To size an ice maker for your business, you need to estimate how much ice you will use per day. This depends on several factors, such as:

  • The type of business you run and the peak hours of demand
  • The type and size of ice you need (cubes, flakes, nuggets, etc.)
  • The number and size of ice bins or dispensers you have
  • The ambient temperature and water temperature in your location

The frequency and duration of power outages or maintenance issues.

A general rule of thumb is to multiply the number of customers or employees you serve per day by 1.5 lbs of ice per person.

For example, if your restaurant serves 200 customers per day, you would need 300 lbs of ice per day. However, this is only an average estimate,, and you may need more or less depending on your specific situation.

Once you have an estimate of your daily ice usage, you can look for an ice maker that has a production capacity that matches or exceeds your demand.

You also need to consider the storage capacity of the machine and how often you will empty it.

Ideally, you want an ice maker that can store at least half of its production capacity, so that you always have enough ice on hand and avoid wasting energy.

Related: How to Clean a Portable Ice Maker in 7 Easy Steps

Water Quality of Ice Machines

Another factor to consider when choosing an ice maker is the quality of the water that feeds into it.

Water quality affects not only the taste and appearance of the ice, but also the performance and lifespan of the machine.

Impurities in the water can cause scale buildup, corrosion, clogging, and bacterial growth in the ice maker, which can reduce its efficiency and increase its maintenance costs.

To prevent these problems and ensure clean and clear ice, you need to install a water filter for your ice maker.

A water filter removes contaminants such as chlorine, sediment, minerals, and organic matter from the water before it enters the machine.

This improves the taste and odor of the ice, protects the machine from damage, and reduces the need for cleaning and descaling.

There are different types of water filters available for ice makers, such as carbon filters, reverse osmosis filters, and cartridge filters.

The best type of filter for your ice maker depends on the quality of your water source and the type of ice you make. You should consult with a professional to determine the best option for your situation.

To summarize, sizing an ice maker for your business in pounds involves estimating your daily ice usage and choosing a machine that has a suitable production and storage capacity.

You also need to install a water filter for your ice maker to ensure clean and clear ice and extend the life of your machine.

Wrapping it Up

We hope this post has helped you understand the difference between the shape of ice and the capacity that you would need. If you have any questions or comments about this topic, please feel free to contact us at 630-613-8535.

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