Henny Penny SCD-6 Rotisserie Base Warming Cabinet & Display Combo
Everyone loves the sights, smells and sounds of rotisserie cooking. But Henny Penny rotisseries do something no other rotisserie can do: turn out that slow-roasted, self-basting rotisserie quality faster. The SCR 6 countertop rotisserie saves on floor space while cooking 24 whole chickens in a single load. A patented process called THERMA-VEC adds gentle cross-flow convection to radiant heat for thorough, even cooking throughout the machine in less time than other rotisseries.
Product Features
• Distinctive compact design
• Preselected automatic controls
• Integrated solid state controls
• Combination hot air convection and infrared cooking
• Rotating disc movement
• LED readout control panel
• Tempered glass doors
• Removable drain pan
• Removable rotor disc
• Stainless steel construction
• Removable vent panels for easy cleaning